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Build dnet-ariadneplus-graphdb-publisher (Mar 15, 2023 3:00:24 PM)

Build Artifacts
dnet-ariadneplus-graphdb-publisher-4.2.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar194.37 KB view
dnet-ariadneplus-graphdb-publisher-4.2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar97.73 MB view
dnet-ariadneplus-graphdb-publisher-4.2.1-SNAPSHOT.pom5.48 KB view
  1. ads archive: use the issued and modified date from collection if the records does not have it (commit: 331e3e1) (details)
  2. improved suggested enhnacement queries (commit: 709d732) (details)
  3. queries for HNM and CARARE (commit: 9ce6dbf) (details)
  4. change modification date for archives collection (commit: 733bd84) (details)
  5. fix date for NIAM BAS (commit: f7da798) (details)
  6. enrich queries update for CARARE - test (commit: 0283152) (details)
  7. it's always a joy to do new tests for ADS records (commit: bca6b1a) (details)
  8. enrichment queries for thanados now that we have a 'supercollection' record (commit: 5f5d290) (details)
  9. fixed AAT enrichment (commit: 8a9760c) (details)
  10. sparql to enable/disable inference rules (commit: 92bf889) (details)
  11. updated was_modified_date for ADS archives (commit: 17a31e0) (details)
  12. enrich with publisher name that is missing for a reason I do not know (commit: 4d68de9) (details)
  13. temporal coverage is not mandatory (commit: db8b089) (details)
  14. enrichment query for CARARE to fix data (commit: fe991f5) (details)
  15. aat enrichment for carare (commit: 11c56c4) (details)
  16. enrich queries for misanu (commit: 35961fc) (details)
  17. provided record can be added as type to any individual records (commit: ae56dc7) (details)
  18. another useful template for AAT enrichment (commit: 29aae31) (details)
  19. updated enrichment queries for THANADOS (commit: f86160c) (details)
  20. insert 'not provided' ARIADNE subject for ADS archives (commit: 14b5af5) (details)
  21. fixed IRI for CARAARE (commit: d84e3df) (details)
  22. updated enrichment query for ISLEIF FI iceland (commit: 156ee92) (details)
  23. fixed AAT enrichment for UKPool (commit: df1fd92) (details)
  24. added test to load a record to public - required property file not to be committed (commit: 14e56b6) (details)
  25. enrichment queries for carare and INP (commit: 5cb929d) (details)
  26. language for MISANU fixed: simplified Getty AAT enrichment (commit: 22976a6) (details)
  27. updated sparql enrichment for DAI RGK now that it has a second input file (commit: b99e9ec) (details)
  28. tests (commit: 6c93eb3) (details)
  29. enrich for landing pages of OpenArcheo (commit: 9917f67) (details)
  30. original id and AAT enrichment for RGK - DAI (commit: 7e2c0d5) (details)
  31. INP Cronica enrichment query: ARIADNE subject from collection, actors from publisher (commit: 0d27dad) (details)
  32. INP sites (RAN): split query for modified and issued dates (commit: 3a16c93) (details)
  33. enrichment queries for reperti and aree datasets from MIBAC (commit: 11b439c) (details)
  34. updated enrichment of periodo for MISANU monumenrs (commit: adea30b) (details)
  35. added test to load on staging (commit: 6af83df) (details)
  36. updated enrichment query for DIME with AAT matching file (commit: cd09d51) (details)
  37. enrichment queries: INP RAN (sites) fixed for period and new queries for CYI corpus (commit: 4648f4b) (details)
  38. enrich querry for IAA collection (commit: 051ff7a) (details)
  39. IAA collection: copy temporal info in periodo graphs so they are shown in the portal (commit: 0061bc8) (details)
  40. more docs for periods (commit: 4a1ae5b) (details)
  41. enrichemnt queries for ADS 398A and IAA (commit: 0e57dd5) (details)
  42. updated queries for IAA (commit: 985dbad) (details)
  43. enrich query for ADS Isle of Man (commit: b46184c) (details)
  44. import periods graph into sites for IAA (commit: 6a75774) (details)
  45. updated defaults for issued and modification date as agreed with ROAD team (commit: b8a5c4c) (details)
  46. fixed queries for temporal and integration of support graphs for IAA (commit: 9d415a3) (details)
  47. import images from support graph - PAN DANS (commit: 3686689) (details)
  48. default date for ROAD ROCEEH (commit: 147fe86) (details)