Build stability: 1 out of the last 2 builds failed.50
Test Result: 60 tests failing out of a total of 527 tests.88
Build History trend


#1006 (Apr 19, 2024 8:58:00 PM)

  1. updated Ignore annotation that is deprecated to Disabled — Sandro La Bruzzo / detail
  2. [graph indexing] sets spark memoryOverhead in the join operations to the same value used for the memory executor — Claudio Atzori / detail
  3. [transformative agreement] including reuslt-funder relations to the information imported from the TRs — Claudio Atzori / detail
  4. updated schema version — Claudio Atzori / detail

#1005 (Apr 18, 2024 8:58:00 PM)

  1. Various fixes for the stats DB update workflow, step16-createIndicatorsTables.sql — Claudio Atzori / detail
  2. integrating changes from PR#424 — Claudio Atzori / detail